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Shark Info   (03-27-2002)




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  Main article:

Sharks and CITES

Dr. Thomas Althaus

  Article 1:

Sharks in Research and Industry

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Distribution of white sharks is influenced by their gender

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  Article 3:

Extended niche for the white shark

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Frequently asked Questions

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Tope shark

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Sharks and CITESS

By Dr. Thomas Althaus


Der Kiefer eines grossen Weissen Haies (Carcharodon carcharias) kann auf dem Weltmarkt oft über 15 000 CHF kosten.

© Shark Foundation

First we need to make some comments on CITES which is misleadingly described as being an "agreement for the protection of endangered species".

CITES refers to the "U.N. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora". As the name clearly states, it is a trade convention serving the protection of species. CITES deals with international traffic (imports, exports, reexport, "the bringing in from the sea") of living animals and plants as well as - clearly recognizable - animal and plant products of certain species. Protecting animal and plant species in their habitats is not the primary objective of CITES. For it to become effective in the sense of protecting species, a certain species must first be relevant to trade, i.e. it must be traded and recorded internationally. CITES thus deals with internationally traded species. When it becomes evident that the species' population is overexploited by this international trade, in other words when such trade even threatens and endangers a species' existence, the respective trade bans, limitations, regulations, etc. can then be passed to ensure its preservation, i.e. sustainable usage. It serves no purpose to put rare species endangered by a loss of habitat or other dangerous effects - but who at the same time are not relevant from an international trade point of view - into the CITES Appendices. Such cases call for specific local or national protective measures and regulations.

As the following text shows, this principle also applies to the shark problem in particular. Although there were (and are) warning signs which show that apparently sharks were and still are being overfished, this does not generally apply to all of the approximately 460 species. The counterquestion would then be which species and populations are affected. Since barely any catch statistics have been compiled and neither domestic nor international trade has been recorded, and also considering the flagrant lack of investigations on the population status of shark species, practically no data is available which a) could either confirm the suspicion of overfishing, or b) could provide reliable information on such a presumed decline. On this basis no motion could or can be made to put a species on the CITES Appendices (protective levels) since this is only possible by adhering to the specific rules of the Convention.

The respectively formulated applications must be submitted to the CITES contractual parties (known as the Conference of the Parties COP) within a specific deadline before the conference convenes. These applications must meet formal criteria and contain various defined biological and trade criteria. The information must in particular be substantiated by recent literature, i.e. scientific publications, and in all cases applications must include and consider the opinions of the affected adjoining states on the respective species in question.

Another basic difficulty encountered in shark protection is the fact that CITES becomes effective too late, namely only after the animals have been caught and killed, in other words after the damage has actually been done. Basically there is almost no such thing as a distinct shark fishing industry, instead in most cases any sharks caught are usually bycatch in nets and fishing rods. Previously any animals who lived through such an ordeal were often freed from the nets and released. Today, however, they are apparently considered more and more of a welcome additional catch. On their part, fishermen still frequently do not record any catch statistics, mainly because they have had, and continue to have problems in identifying individual species. Entire animals and animal parts were and are already mixed on the fishing boats and are sold either indiscriminately to local, i.e. national markets (where CITES cannot intervene), or they wound up or wind up on the international market. As concerns the latter animal products, these are often meat and or meat products (fibers, soups, cartilage products) which can barely be identified, let alone classified to a single species. As already mentioned in the introduction, this fails to meet the CITES requirement calling for clear identification of the respective specimens.

Under these circumstances it is not surprising that CITES encounters problems when it comes to protecting sharks.

In 1994, at the 9th CITES Conference of the Parties (COP) in Fort Lauderdale, Florida (USA), sharks were officially discussed for the first time thanks to a U.S. paper (9.58) describing the trading of shark parts and products. Among other things the paper pointed out that about 100 out of approx. 460 shark species were being traded, especially on a national level, but that no international organization has been g iven the responsibility for managing shark populations or even has the right to issue recommendations on catch numbers, minimum sizes, catch periods, catch regions, protected regions as well as catch instruments, etc. The paper also states that neither population data nor catch statistics are registered or even available and that no details on national and international trade can be provided, making it extremely difficult to even prove any decline in populations. The U.S. considers its paper as a starting offensive within CITES designed to finally tackle this problem, an initiative which, however, was not welcomed by all participants. Many said the problem had to be solved outside the domain of CITES since the latter had enough work dealing with the animal and plant species already listed in the appendices without worrying about 460 species of an animal group which is not even subject of the agreement and whose problems stem primarily from resource management rather than international trade.

Nevertheless, a resolution was passed (Conf. 9.17) calling for the parties to provide the Secretariat with all available information related to the trading of sharks and their biological status. At the same time, the CITES Animals Committee was instructed to check such information as well as other data received from the FAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization) and international fishery management organizations. In addition they were asked to determine the biological and trade status of the shark species subject to international trade and summarize this in a discussion paper. At the 10th CITES Conference of Parties (COP) in Harare (Zimbabwe) in 1997, the CITES Secretariat also presented a paper (Doc. 10.51) compiled at the request of the Animals Committee. This 23-page document with a 28-page appendix is based on reports and investigations stemming from the U.S. and Japan, the IUCN, TRAFFIC-WWF and the FAO. Its theme is the biological status of sharks, factors which influence the status of the species, the world trade of shark products, the compiling of statistics within the fishing industry and trade and reasons why such data still has flaws, management measures, international fishing organizations and scientific organizations and their role in the subject area, as well as conclusions and 19 recommendations.

Among other things this report revealed that flaws in data registration in earlier as well as recent years still make it difficult to determine actual catch volumes of individual species and that no reliable information can be given on the development of catch activities, i.e. even when providing reasons for a presumed increase in catch numbers. The same holds true for international trade where no data is available on trade volume or the origin of the species traded. Furthermore, there is still a considerable lack of knowledge on the distribution areas, population numbers, status, etc., of shark populations in their natural habitats.

The report advised international fishery organizations to create regulations which would obligate fisheries to deliver the foundation for gathering the respective data. And the FAO, in particular, was also called upon to participate in and promote these projects. Also recommended were the development and promotion of modern management and more gentle catch methods. The Conference of Parties then passed two resolutions (10.73 and 10.74) which foresaw close cooperation between the CITES Animals Committee and the CITES Secretariat on the one hand, and the FAO, as well as international fishery management organizations on the other, in order to be able to establish guidelines for an action plan to maintain and manage shark populations. At the same time in a further resolution (10.48) the Conference of Parties was called upon to gather species-oriented statistics on shark catches and trade. The Secretariat was also asked to hold discussions, e.g. with the World Customs Union, on the possibility of dividing up the customs tariff (into shark meat, shark fins, shark leather, shark cartilage and other shark products) in order to gain a differentiated amount of trade data (10.123). As a contribution from Switzerland, and in order to set the prerequisites for a differentiated registration of data, the Swiss Federal Veterinary Office FVO and the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, in a joint action changed the material description of products made of and with sharks: Since 1998 all imports to Switzerland as well as all domestically sold food(stuffs) made of or with shark meat must bear the shark species designation.

At the 15th CITES Animals Committee Conference in 1999 the FAO included a report on actions taken following the CITES Resolution Conf. 9.17 (Doc. AC.15.7.1), which first clearly showed that establishing a basic foundation was a primary objective. Required were a provisional evaluation of the biological status of diverse shark species, a revision of the standard work "Sharks of the World", an overall survey of shark fishing and of protective measures and a survey on trade with sharks and shark products. At the same time another objective was set, namely that of creating guidelines for domestic action plans for the preservation and management of shark populations. According to the report diverse activities were to be completed by the year 2000.

At the same conference an international action plan for the preservation and management of sharks (IPOA-SHARKS) was presented which the FAO's Committee on Fisheries had passed in early 1999 (Doc. AC.15.7.2). The emphasis here was placed on "international", i.e. the goal was to develop an effective supraregional management aid. Eight of the most significant international fishery organizations supported the project. The plan contains 31 points on the objectives to be reached for the sustainable usage and maintenance of shark populations and how these can be achieved. Monitoring of the project under the leadership of the FAO is also foreseen, as well as making possible improvements following initial experiences.

At the 11th CITES Conference of Parties in 2000 it was decided that the President of the Animals Committee should follow up the implementation of this international action plan by maintaining regular contacts with the FAO and that he report on the results at the Conference of Parties scheduled for November 2002.

Meanwhile, at the 17th Conference of the CITES Animals Committee in 2001, the President already had some good news to report: The FAO had published guidelines for implementing the IPOA-SHARKS plan which were also designed to develop national action plans. Two significant fishery organizations (the IATTC and the ICCAT) had already integrated the demands of IPOA-SHARKS while working out their latest catch guidelines. Fifteen significant fishing industry countries have performed surveys on shark populations and have announced the completion of national action plans.

Summarizing this means that the problems of determining population numbers, catch and trade data, and establishing measures to prevent the overfishing of shark populations which, as mentioned, are basically not part of CITES' tasks, have been delegated to those actually responsible, namely the international fishery organizations and national fishery authorities. These have taken on these responsibilities with commitment and - under FAO leadership - have begun to work out appropriate plans. At the moment we must thus wait for further developments. In the interest of shark populations we can only hope that any proposed actions and management plans as well as other serious efforts will all bear fruit.

In conclusion, we would also recall that three motions proposing to take up three shark species were presented at the 11th CITES Conference of Parties in 2000: The great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) was to be put in Appendix 1, and the whale shark (Rhincodon typus) and megamouth shark (Cetorhinus maximus) in Appendix II. Unfortunately, none of the motions found the required majority. Once again opponents emphatically argued that any problems should be solved outside of CITES. Among other things they claimed that the motions could not be substantiated by citing the dangers of bycatch and sport fishing and that these problems must be solved differently, specifically, for example, with improved regulations and control of fisheries, improved fishing instruments and a ban on fishing great white sharks. Great Britain was not prepared to accept the rejection of its own motion (megamouth shark on Appendix II) and thus at the end of the conference announced its decision to put the megamouth shark on Appendix III. This means that the same criteria are valid for both the export and import of megamouth sharks (i.e. also shark parts and products) as for species on Appendix II. Among other things, England was criticized for simply making decisions on any megamouth sharks caught in the world's oceans as though the sharks were their own property. The motions for the next round of talks in November 2002 are not yet available. Despite the failure of the initial efforts at the last conference, a renewed surge of motions dealing with shark species is expected. As always, they deserve to be examined based on the established CITES evaluation criteria and the particular situation of the shark problematic as described above.

* Dr. Thomas Althaus is a member of CITES who works with the Swiss Federal Veterinary Office (FVO).

May be published only by indicating the source: Shark Info / Dr. Thomas Althaus



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